Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 5 - Quizzes 1-5

Quiz 1 1 A technical drawing that incorporates more than one view of an object in order to describe all aspects of the object completely is a(n) A) oblique pictorial drawing. B) multiview drawing. C) perspective view. D) axonometric drawing. 2 Views that are at right angles to each other are A) orthogonal views. B) parallel views. C) oblique views. D) perspective views. 3 Multiview drawings are created using A) normal projection. B) oblique projection. C) orthographic projection. D) isometric projection. 4 In multiview drawing, the front, right-side, and top views are often called A) standard views. B) proportional views. C) working views. D) normal views. 5 Industries in the United States use A) first-angle projection. B) second-angle projection. C) third-angle projection. D) fourth-angle projection. 6 When needed for clarity, rounded edges are sometimes represented using A) phantom lines. B) centerlines. C) hidden lines. D) section lines. 7 In multiview drawing, there are A) three principal views. B) six principal views. C) four principal views. D) five principal views. 8 Adding sizes to the various details of a drawing is A) scaling. B) measuring. C) dimensioning. D) numbering. 9 Interior features of an object are represented on the views using A) hidden lines. B) invisible lines. C) ghost lines. D) auxiliary lines. 10 The side of an object that shows the most detail is generally selected as the A) right-side view. B) front view. C) top view. D) bottom view. Quiz 2 1 To create a line in AutoCAD LT® that is infinite in both directions, use the A) LINE command. B) XLINE command. C) RAY command. D) SCALE command. 2 Construction lines in AutoCAD LT® are commonly created using A) hidden lines. B) centerlines. C) xlines. D) phantom lines. 3 In AutoCAD LT®, a ray is a line that extends A) infinitely in one direction only. B) infinitely in both directions. C) from a definite starting point to a definite endpoint. D) from a definite starting point to an endpoint specified by polar coordinates. 4 In creating a multiview drawing, xlines and rays are used to A) dimension the views. B) align the views. C) create holes in the front view. D) establish the lengths of lines in all views. 5 The Bisect option of the XLINE command creates an xline that A) bisects any 2D planar object. B) passes through the midpoint of a line segment. C) passes through the center of a circle or sphere. D) passes through an angle vertex and bisects the angle. 6 For blocking in views, rays are sometimes preferred over xlines in order to A) distinguish the top view from the front view. B) reduce file size. C) reduce confusion during view construction. D) decrease the amount of disk space needed to save the drawing. 7 To create more than one ray consecutively, place the first ray and then A) press the spacebar to re-enter the RAY command. B) press Enter to re-enter the RAY command. C) pick the Ray button on the Draw toolbar. D) place the second ray; the RAY command is still active. 8 If you need to reduce the size of a design for a new part by a third, you can do this easily using the A) REDUCE command. B) SCALE command. C) ZOOM command. D) PAN command. 9 To increase the size of an object by half, you would enter a factor of A) .50. B) .75. C) 1.50. D) 2.50. 10 To create an xline spaced exactly 2.00″ from the left side of a rectangular object, you would use the A) Bisect option of the XLINE command. B) Xline option of the OFFSET command. C) Through option of the OFFSET command. D) Offset option of the XLINE command. Quiz 3 1 A view that results from taking a slice through the interior of a part to show its interior shape is a(n) A) cross-sectional view. B) sectional view. C) auxiliary view. D) phantom view. 2 Section lining or crosshatching is also known as a A) section pattern. B) section-line pattern. C) phantom-line pattern. D) hatch pattern. 3 Sectional views are defined or located using a A) cutting-plane line. B) phantom line. C) visible line. D) phantom plane. 4 When half of the object is cut and removed on a drawing, the result is a A) half section. B) quarter section. C) full section. D) removed section. 5 When one fourth of the object is cut and removed on a drawing, the result is a A) half section. B) quarter section. C) full section. D) removed section. 6 When only a small portion of a view is removed and defined by a thick, irregular line, the result is a(n) A) removed section. B) revolved section. C) offset section. D) broken section. 7 A view generated when none of the features of the component are parallel to any of the principal planes of projection is a(n) A) oblique view. B) inclined view. C) auxiliary view. D) phantom view. 8 A surface that slopes in only one direction relative to the planes of projection results in a(n) A) inclined view. B) primary auxiliary view. C) removed view. D) secondary auxiliary view. 9 A view of an oblique surface projected from a primary auxiliary view is a(n) A) tertiary auxiliary view. B) revolved auxiliary view. C) secondary auxiliary view. D) oblique auxiliary view. 10 A view that shows only that portion of a surface that is perpendicular to the auxiliary projection plane is a(n) A) revolved auxiliary view. B) removed auxiliary view. C) broken-out auxiliary view. D) partial auxiliary view. Quiz 4 1 The drafting standard ASME Y14.2 defines two basic line thicknesses: thick and thin. Thick lines are a minimum of A) 0.3 mm thick. B) 0.2 mm thick. C) 0.6 mm thick. D) 0.8 mm thick. 2 Thin lines are a minimum of A) 0.2 mm thick. B) 0.3 mm thick. C) 0.4 mm thick. D) 0.5 mm thick. 3 Other than for dimensioning purposes, thin lines are used primarily for hidden lines, centerlines, and A) visible lines. B) short-break lines. C) cutting-plane lines. D) phantom lines. 4 When a drawing becomes confusing due to an excessive number of hidden lines, the generally accepted practice is to A) use only enough hidden lines to clarify details in the drawing. B) eliminate all hidden lines. C) make duplicate views and divide the hidden lines between them. D) use various styles of lines to represent hidden features. 5 The alternate position of a rotated part or feature is shown with A) visible lines. B) phantom lines. C) alternate-position lines. D) extension lines. 6 The same style of line is used for a cutting-plane line and a(n) A) phantom line. B) section line. C) break line. D) viewing-plane line. 7 The various types of lines used in both board drawings and CAD drawings are known as A) line techniques. B) alphabet of lines. C) linestyles. D) line symbols. 8 Lines used to represent the outside edges of objects as well as sharp transitions between two surfaces are A) visible lines. B) short-break lines. C) hidden lines. D) viewing-plane lines. 9 Lines used to mark the center of a symmetrical feature or an axis are A) extension lines. B) phantom lines. C) centerlines. D) viewing-plane lines. 10 On a sectional view, the cut surface is marked with thin, evenly spaced lines called A) cutting-plane lines. B) section lining. C) viewing-plane lines. D) section-plane lines. Quiz 5 1 To display the Layer Properties Manager, enter the A) PROPERTIES command. B) MANAGE command. C) STATUS command. D) LAYER command. 2 Layers are commonly used in AutoCAD LT® to A) scale objects. B) display or hide various components or dimensions. C) dimension objects automatically. D) change the size of the drawing area. 3 The Layer Properties Manager allows you to do all of the following except A) create and name new layers. B) delete layers. C) import layers from other drawings. D) make a specific layer current. 4 To display the Properties window, A) press the F5 key. B) pick the Properties button on the Standard toolbar. C) enter the Properties option of the LAYER command. D) pick Show All from the Properties drop-down menu. 5 The arrangement of views in a multiview drawing is known as the drawing A) layout. B) view resolution. C) scale. D) projection. 6 In AutoCAD LT®, model space is the space in which A) the drawing is scaled for plotting. B) almost all drawing work is accomplished. C) the drawing is placed on a border and title block. D) paper-space objects are edited. 7 When you use one of AutoCAD LT®'s predefined drawing templates to create a new drawing, all of the following occur except A) the drawing opens initially in paper space. B) an appropriate border and title block are shown in paper space. C) the drawing limits are changed according to paper size. D) the correct paper size is shown in paper space. 8 All of the following are common standard scales for mechanical drawings except A) 1:1. B) 1:2. C) 1:3. D) 1:4. 9 To change the scale of linetypes so that they are visible in the drawing, use the A) LTSCALE command. B) SCALE command. C) LINETYPE command. D) LINEWIDTH command. 10 When you place a viewport in paper space, AutoCAD LT® automatically sets the drawing scale to A) 1:1. B) 1:2. C) 2.1. D) an arbitrary scale so that the drawing fits on the paper.

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